
Secondary Counselor – Kat Freihammer

My name is Kat Freihammer and I am the High School Counselor for students in grades 7-12th. I help students by working with them. I teach them:
  • How to understand, acknowledge, manage and accept their feelings.
  • Equip them with tools to manage anxiety and stress
  • Elaborate a plan and set milestones towards a goal
  • Build a more positive mindset
  • Learn coping skills, conflict resolution skills, and self-awareness
  • Evaluate their abilities and interests to develop academic and career goals
  • Expand on college and career opportunities beyond high school
  • Help them nurture their curiosity in learning about their passions related to college and career, and
  • Develop a pathway towards high school graduation
I also help students by developing and implementing a 504 Plan when a student needs assistance for academic success.
Lastly, I am one of the Student Counselor Advisors along with Bridget Hoffman.  Our Student Council sponsors Homecoming Week, Awareness Days, Holiday Week, The 7th-8th Grade Snowball Dance, The Red Cross Blood Drive and The Spring Fling to name a few things!
I have received my undergraduate and masters in Social Work, with over 2,000 hours of clinical work.  I have also pursued many continuing education hours to learn better ways to serve our students related to college/career planning as well as mental health needs.
I always encourage communication, so please note you are always welcome to stop in to see me or schedule an appointment with me in person or via a phone call or by using the link below!

My contact information is below.
651-565-3559 ext. 254 

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