The Wabasha-Kellogg School District is excited to begin a comprehensive strategic planning process. This plan will be used to guide the district’s actions and decisions over the next several years, and W-K would like to have community involvement in developing the plan.
Small focus group meetings are being scheduled to gather community members’ thoughts, opinions, and insights into the future of the district. These focus groups will take place at a variety of times on February 13, 19, and 20.
If you would like to participate, the time commitment would be one 90-minute session. Dates/times to choose from include:
Thursday, February 13: noon, 5:00 pm, or 6:45 pm
Wednesday, February 19: 5:15 pm, or 7:00 pm
Thursday, February 20: 8:15 am, 11:45 am, 1:15 pm, 5:00 pm, or 6:45 pm
If you would like to participate, please contact Kristi Kropp at or 651-565-3559, ext. 266.